Thursday, December 22, 2005


Have been vela....there is work to do..but since i am not able to sleep...have had more time.. and am falling in love with the whole idea of a blog...hmmm....anyway...
revisited old flames yday...saw Basic Instinct :D...
Pretty cool movie....each time i see it...i come up with a different reasoning to the movie..

"The finale of the ambiguous film arbitrarily leaves the inexplicable question of the guilt and/or innocence of the dangerous liaisons of the main characters up for grabs - did Catherine, in the ultimate mind/sex game, frame Elisabeth Garner with the murders? Or is Roxy the killer up until the time of her own death? Or did Catherine commit all of the murders herself? Or are all of them guilty in one way or another? "...

that sums up what i think in someone elses words.... :)
dont want to explain the movie...its far too old and far too classical for that...but theres one thing taht i want to talk about...

A confident woman..confident about her sexuality is portrayed as powerful and in control.. and being adored by lotsa men....esply in the famous interrogation scene...but in real life it aint that way ...any woman..that is so confident ..infact bullish..has immediately antagonized herself...esply in a working enviornment... all the males gang up..want to make sure she gets f***ed...that is REALITY!!!!

Man still has not reached a level..where he accepts a woman's leadership easily..without a whimper of a fight.. its tough to be a lady-boss in this world ...and more so...if she is sexy...

if u are a woman..and a boss..and sexy ...i toast to you...keep up the good work...and keep flaunting


Blogger Unknown!!! said... making up for the last 2 months of hibernation.....8posts in a week ...good...hmm u may face writer's out of content...;)...ok..n e ways...awesome posts...keep blogging..

Thursday, December 22, 2005 12:29:00 PM  
Blogger Hitchcock said...

em thinking ra...
and..i want to suffer from writer's block.then ill use some hot chick to write for me..and we will make merry :)

Friday, December 23, 2005 12:04:00 PM  

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