Friday, September 15, 2006

To the tradition of pick-ups!!!

It is a nice warm evening (my standards of warm have already changed, 60F is pleasent, 65F is warm!! duh to chicago). The young woman puckers her lips, looks around and adjusts her dress. The shy,look-around, "play the field" look on her face.

"There's one", she thinks. She checks him out, and thinks, "he does not look the sticker around types, too fast, he's moving thru the women thick and fast". She looks around and keeps the innocent smile going. She's already getting frustrated. How difficult can it be to find someone on a Saturday?

Then she sees him. Dressed casually, he looks fit, and quite a novice. Someone, she can take charge of, or so she thinks. She raises an eyebrow and checks him out. He returns the favour and sly smiles are exchanged. They move towards each other. "Matches", they say, "are made in silence". Says who? you-know-who; well,if no one did, then I say it now, so shuddup and read. The eyes lock, she asks him to head out, she will meet him at the lower level. He understands, finishes his drink, and moves briskly to the grassy area. She comes down, and he lets out a sigh, brushes the sweat off his eye-brow; looks at her, and they head out.

Comfort levels are soon established and a nice pace of conversation is struck. Soon, they are talking in high gear about family, friends, likes, dislikes and all the garbage of the likes. A brush of shoulders, the nervous grins;a strong shoulder as he guides her through a particularly crowded part and the ice has pretty much melted.

They go away from the crowd, moving steadily north, always away from the crowd, enjoying each other's company, he smelling her, she showing him her school, her favorite store,all the while they are on the move. They move closer to each other.


Breathing heavily, they are past already what they had set out to do on the Saturday, but neither of them now wants to stop. There are of course differences-she wishes he would go faster, imploring him to do so, with her eyes; he ignores her, concentrating and enjoying the slow movements, before the final ecstasy. She starts moving her hips faster, in a show of impatience. He relents finally, and starts moving faster.. Together they move,hurriedly in the final,silent act.


And, then finally it ends. They are there, where they wanted to be. Over,across the finish line. And they hug, their sweaty bodies in a tangle. And then they separate, and go over the time spent together. And soothe their aching bodies. What an evening!

And they remove their shoes.

That, my "dear perverts", is the art of finding a running partner from the opposite sex and doing a long run on the weekends. What did you think it was?????!!!!! Ro, you frigging idiot, this is not my declaration, so don't jump up :).

I have not tried, and I hate running with somebody I do not know, especially if it's a woman and the woman is fit and runs faster than me. Indian MCP tendencies, kya karein??? :)

Marathon time in under a month people. :)


Blogger Jas B said...

Oye, yes I am a pervert. :) LOL. I thought that either you picked it up from a Mills and Boon novel, or you were aspiring to become a M & B author. He he he he. Now, now, don't kill me please. :)

So how's the marathon training going?

Sunday, October 01, 2006 2:25:00 PM  
Blogger RainThots said...

Hmmmmm. So this is what you're upto in my absence huh?!?! Who is she? Who, I ask, WHO? :P (hope its not a 'he' :D )

Ok.. all that aside, its really interesting to see that you can interpret a run this way. :) Sort of like the way I land up seeing dance in the way two pigeons playfully fly around each other.

But ..ahem.. hmm.. err... umm... interesting post.


Monday, October 02, 2006 12:09:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Finally learnt to run "with" ppl as against "Away from" ... ur getting old man

Tuesday, October 03, 2006 10:34:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

no comments abt the post.

aspiring M&B author... hmmm interesting, nd more plausible than being a chicken-soup-for-the-soul kinda author! :D

Tuesday, October 03, 2006 1:45:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

wow! so much masala about who do you run with? ;)


Tuesday, October 03, 2006 4:06:00 PM  
Blogger Hitchcock said...

@jas-did that sound like a pervert's fantasy??? tch tch..!! was just what i saw/observed...quite a weird set-up is this running thing! marathon's shaping up ok! thanks for asking.

@gunj- well gunj... u like this interpretation?? i can interpret everything else sexually too :)))) and this is no way close to ur dance'y' interpretation of those pigeons.. i am way too crass for ur thoughts....hehe

@tyler- i am still running away from them boss.. still away... btw...remember the result from 3 weeks back..manyoo got mothered.

@saik- M&B..2/5 commenters say that.. there might be a future in writing after all for me...

@ani- the last time i ran with someone was with u and gau..the last time before that was with u two too.. food for thought eh mate? like i said, it is not what i did, it's just what i saw!

Tuesday, October 03, 2006 10:42:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

the next sidney sheldon wannabe, are u? :P

and i agree with u that u r really too crass!!!!

Wednesday, October 04, 2006 2:48:00 PM  
Blogger aknowkneemoose said...

I knew it wasn't gonna be about what you wanted people to think it was gonna be about. And I knew it had to be a sport. Watch Hots Shots Part Deux... there's a thirty second conversation between two women along similar lines. They talk about bungee jumping just the way you talked of running.

It's been so long since I've written a post or commented on someone's post, that... I feel like it's something totally new! :( Thank God I remember the username's password after all these days :P

(great... I totally forgot about the captcha :P)

Thursday, October 05, 2006 9:23:00 AM  
Blogger Chica, Cienna, and Cali said...

chee! chee! :DDDDD

Victorian sensibilities aside, when's the marathon???? i still need to send u that write-up.........i shall do it and soon.....!!!!!!!

Thursday, October 05, 2006 12:51:00 PM  
Blogger Hitchcock said...

@saikri- whatever hehehe

@moose- hot shot pots deux then this is double deux...welcome back to the blog world then pappu bhaiyya

@moi-what chee chee??? don't act like that snooty indian women..."we all know what happens behind closed doors" hahaha ra..waiting for that write-up.

Friday, October 06, 2006 9:30:00 AM  
Blogger Chica, Cienna, and Cali said...

Prof Higgins.........time u retired!!!! :) :)

Friday, October 06, 2006 12:54:00 PM  
Blogger Isha said...

incredibly amusing!

Wednesday, October 11, 2006 5:03:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

@moi- smart eye girl..put that typo up there for u to find out. good show!! here, take a chocolate. :)


PS: owing to the reason that i do not remember my blogging password, here at work, i need to log in as an anon.. damn the life :)

Wednesday, October 11, 2006 4:02:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hehe...Hang on till u see my smiley ;)

Monday, October 16, 2006 12:55:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

In case u didnt figure out...that was me!


Monday, October 16, 2006 12:56:00 PM  
Blogger Chica, Cienna, and Cali said...

hey, happy diwali
and good luck with the marathon morrow!!!! lets hear from u on the blog once u r done with it.....:)

Saturday, October 21, 2006 11:42:00 PM  
Blogger Jas B said...

Hey, how did the marathon go??? Let us know.

Wednesday, October 25, 2006 12:23:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

jog kar kar ke itna thak gaya kya ki no more scraps since then?

Monday, December 04, 2006 4:22:00 PM  

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